Helping Men get healthy & maximize their potential.
This was me June 12, 2022.
My journey started in an emergency room with severe anxiety and panic attacks. In reality my body was screaming for help. Everything was out of whack. High blood pressure. High blood sugar. High cholesterol. Smoker. Severely obese. A heart attack or stroke waiting to happen.
My first attempt at 75 hard landed me back in the hospital for 4 days. I was walking 2 miles before and after work. It was so strenuous on my body I started shutting down. After getting released I reattached 75 hard. I started pushing a little harder each day. At first let’s get 1/10 a mile further. Then I started to jog to a mailbox. Then it became 2 mailboxes.
I was making progress everyday even if it was just an inch further it was progress. Eventually I joined planet fitness and started getting into weight training. Slow at first. I hardly knew any exercises. Only the ones I remembered from high school football.
I just kept pushing a little harder today than I did yesterday. Progress is progress no matter how small it may seem at the time.
Here we are nearly 3 years later not only am I in the best shape of my life I’m the healthier I’ve ever been. Blood pressure 115/78, resting heart rate 55, blood sugar levels at 78, ldl cholesterol 115 and hdl 75. Everything has improved. My health, my mentality, my discipline and my finances.
Now it’s your turn. You don’t need 5 different medications, monthly Dr visits and medical bills. Whether you purchase a plan from me or use the free plan builder my DM’s are always open. My goal is to help you.